David & Jennifer
Note: This is a hypothetical case for illustrative purposes only.
55 & 52
Contracting Business Owners
Primary Goals
Skillful handling of business acquisition, strategic wealth preservation and growth, and comprehensive estate planning

The Situation

David and his wife Jennifer have worked intentionally to build a highly successful contracting business throughout Michigan using their patented road resurfacing material.

When an acquisition company extended an offer, David and Jennifer found themselves facing a potentially transformative liquidity event.

Although this opportunity brought excitement, it also underscored the intricate complexities of their financial situation.

They needed an advanced, nuanced financial strategy to safeguard their impending wealth, efficiently manage their equity, and secure a prosperous future.

The Approach

We crafted a highly tailored financial plan, focusing on three critical areas:

Wealth Management: Our primary aim was to not only preserve David and Jennifer's newly realized wealth but also to foster its growth.

Recognizing the importance of sophisticated wealth management strategies, we explored a broad spectrum of asset classes, conducted rigorous analysis, and constructed a diversified investment portfolio for them.

We aimed to optimize returns while mitigating risk, ultimately ensuring the sustainable growth of their wealth over time.

Tax Strategy: Considering the tax implications of their impending liquidity event, we connected them with trusted tax professionals from our network to incorporate their equity compensation and other acquisition-related income into their plan.

Estate Planning: Given David and Jennifer's intention to secure a financially stable future for generations to come, we also referred them to a trusted estate planning attorney from our network who was able to help ensure their wealth would transition seamlessly and according to their wishes.

The Results

David and Jennifer now have a sophisticated financial plan that is bespoke to their unique circumstances.

Their wealth is secure, and it's strategically positioned for growth through a tactically diversified investment portfolio.Now, as they search for their next project, they are more confident about their financial future than ever before.

Other Success Stories
Note: These are hypothetical cases for illustrative purposes only.