Rooted in Northern Michigan, invested in you.

How your financial advice is supposed feel.

📲 (989) 255-0457
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Local advice you can count on.

We break down complex financial concepts into everyday language you can relate to, all while maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

Think of us as your neighborly guide through the financial maze, someone who speaks your language and walks down the same streets you do.

About the firm
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Atypical by design

If there’s one thing for certain, our world is constantly in a state of change.

That's why we're not your typical financial advisory firm.

By leveraging groundbreaking financial planning technology, we can deliver our services seamlessly and securely, wherever you are.

We're proactive, not reactive, and we believe in planning for the future while optimizing the present.

Learn our process

Focus Areas


No more waiting for yearly check-ins to make sure you are on track.

We offer pro-active advisory models designed to accommodate all life stages.

Investment Management

From equity compensation to diversified, fully custom portfolios, our dedicated team of industry experts is here to guide and grow your investments, ensuring your financial success and peace of mind.

Tax Planning

Don't just put up with your taxes, optimize them!

We offer strategies to help ensure that you only pay Uncle Sam what's fair and not a dollar more.

Risk Management

Life is unpredictable, your financial health shouldn't be.

We help you plan for the unexpected so that your income and assets can weather storms that you'll inevitably face.


It's no secret that probate can be a big headache.

We work diligently to ensure that your wealth transfers to your loved ones precisely on your terms, using the most efficient methods available

Cashflow Planning

We'll go beyond simple budgeting.

You'll understand where your money is going, how to make it work harder for you, and how to harness it to meet both short-term and long-term goals.

How else is Watershed Wealth different?

Frequently Asked Questions

No product pitches.

We prioritize your best interests, not sales quotas.

Our advice is objective, transparent, and always focused on helping you achieve financial freedom.

No hidden fees.

Our fee structure is transparent and straightforward.

You'll always know exactly what you're paying for and why.

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No pressure.

We respect your time and autonomy.

Our approach is consultative, not coercive, providing you with the space and information you need to make informed decisions about your financial future.

Meet our team